Security is our top priority. The LegacyDex cryptocurrency exchange cares about the security of each user. Therefore, we encourage finding vulnerabilities on the exchange and pay rewards for their discovery.
We do not limit the maximum amount of rewards and can increase the reward depending on the severity of the vulnerability. You are more likely to receive an increased reward if you show how the vulnerability can be used to cause maximum harm.
Here is a list of approximate rewards for finding vulnerabilities:
Remote code execution
Manipulation of user balances
XSS/CSRF/Clickjacking affecting actions with user balances/trading/exchange/deposit
Theft of information related to passwords/API keys/personal information
Partial authentication bypass
Other vulnerabilities that can lead to financial losses or data leakage
Other CSRF (except CSRF logout)
Rewards will NOT be granted for DDoS, Self-XSS, Spam, Social engineering attacks.
To report it, send us an email; we will contact you as soon as possible and resolve the issue.
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